17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh modal, tenaga kerja, dan bahan baku terhadap hasil produksi (studi kasus pabrik sepatu PT. Kharisma Baru Indonesia)

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    Shoes industry is an industry that has opportunities and market prospects are good. Shoes are one of the products that are not only intended for domestic demand but also developed for export.Therefore, as one of the shoes PT. Kharisma Baru Indonesia tried to do the production effectively and efficiently by allocating factors of production owned. This study aims to determine the influence factors of production, capital, labor, and raw materials to the production of PT Kharisma Baru Indonesia. Data collection techniques in this research is interview and documentation. The results showed that the partial factors of production, capital, labor, and raw materials significantly affect production. While simultaneously, three independent variables significantly affect production

    Pembelajaran Ekonomi Generasi Z Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The objectives of this study are 1) Analyze the appropriate form of economic learning for generation Z; 2) Describe the appropriate learning techniques in the pandemic era for generation Z; 3) Compare the economic learning patterns before and after the Covid 19 pandemic;. The research method used is qualitative, with a descriptive approach using case studies in junior high schools (SMP), high schools (SMA) and universities in East Java province. The results show that 1) the right form of learning in generation Z is learning that utilizes digital technology whether it is carried out online, offline or blended learning. 2) Learning techniques in the pandemic era for generation Z are through recording, individual assignments ( self observation), projects / works, quizzes, live books, and group assignments. 3) Comparison of economic learning before the pandemic was carried out directly, while online-based economic learning after the Covid 19 pandemic was mostly conducted through the Learning Management System (LMS) and video conferencing. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17977/UM014v14i12021p8

    Implementasi Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Desa Ngale, Kecamatan Paron, Kabupaten Ngawi

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) management as an effort to improve the welfare of the people of Ngale Village, Paron District, Ngawi Regency. The studi was conducted on village heads, village heads, village officials, BPD, community with a total of 23 informants. The study was conducted in Ngale Village, Paron District, Ngawi Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method with the type of descriptive study research. Data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. The result showed that the management of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in Ngale Village was quite good, evindenced by the existence of plans for the use of the budget, the implementation of the stipulated program, admisnistration, reporting of program realization, and accountability. While the general welfare of the Ngale village is prosperous, there are a number of welfare indicators that have not been maximally met, such as income, consumption, and living conditions, different from the health services. The goverment efforts undertaken in an effort to improve the welfare of the people of Ngale Village is to do physical and non-physical development of the village

    Analisis Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Sektor Pariwisata di Desa Ngebel

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    This study aims 1) to determine how economic development and the tourism sector in Ngebel Village, Ngebel District, Ponorogo Regency; 2) to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors of economic development and the tourism sector; 3) to determine the role of local governments in increasing economic development and the tourism sector; 4) to determine the role of the community in increasing economic development and the tourism sector; 5) as well as to determine the impact of the development of the Ngebel Lake tourism object in economic development in Ngebel Village, Ngebel District, Ponorogo Regency. This study uses qualitative research methods with descriptive types to analyze economic development and the tourism sector. Sources of research data obtained through primary data and secondary data. Primary data is in the form of sources with a total of 22 informants and secondary data uses journals, internet and evidence of records. The research instruments used were interview and observation guidelines. Data collection techniques using literature study and field studies. Data analysis techniques use data reduction (data reduction), data display (data presentation) and verification. The research uses research procedures or steps in the form of building a conceptual framework, formulating research problems, selecting subjects, developing instruments, collecting data, analyzing data and matrices and testing conclusions. The results or findings show that economic development and the tourism sector in Ngebel Village were carried out very well. The role of the village government and the community is very influential in increasing economic development and the tourism sector in Ngebel Village. Tourism development has a very positive impact on society, especially in terms of the econom


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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sangat ditentukan oleh dinamika dan perkembangan perekonomian, sedangkan perekonomian daerah ditopang oleh kegiatan ekonomi berskala kecil dan menengah, seperti ekonomi berbasis komunitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengalisis pengembangan pemberdayaan ekonomi yang berbasis komunitas guna meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sebagai upaya pengentasan kemiskinan di Kota Madiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan pengembangan pemberdayaan ekonomi berbasis komunitas mempunyai konstribusi besar dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan masyarakat, yaitu dapat meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat. Dengan adanya pengembangan pemberdayaan ekonomi berbasis komunitas memberikan dampak positif bagi upaya pengentasan kemiskinan melalui penyerapan tenaga kerja. Selain itu, pengembangan pemberdayaan ekonomi berbasis komunitas adalah memberi bekal keterampilan hidup pada masyarakat miskin sehingga mereka dapat mandiri secara ekonomi. Penerapan pemberdayaan ekonomi berbasis komunitas  di  Kota  Madiun  dapat  dilakukan pada berbagai bidang seperti bidang pertanian, peternakan, sosial, dan industri rumah tangga

    Selection of Poverty Reduction Program through Community-Based Economic Empowerment in Madiun City

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    Madiun City is one of the cities in East Java Province and is known as a city of trade and industry, Madiun community, in general, is a picture of modern society even though it is far from economic development in the capital city. Madiun is a city that has the potential to become an advanced economic center in the city of Madiun. Current conditions indicate that the unemployment rate and the quality of human resources in the city of Madiun are still low. Data from the Manpower Office of the city of Madiun noted that the number of unemployed people in the local area reached 5,700. Besides, people's economic strength has not developed optimally, and the index of public purchasing power is still low. In 2018 data from the Central Bureau of Statistics illustrates that poverty in Madiun City reached 4.49% or as many as 7.92 thousand people. One way to alleviate poverty in the city of Madiun is through community-based economic empowerment. This study aims to formulate a strategy to alleviate poverty through community-based economic empowerment and to improve the living standards of people in the city of Madiun. The method used in this study is qualitative by using primary and secondary data. Data collection is done by interviews, documentation, and field observations. The findings of the study are that the existence of community-based economic empowerment in Madiun city can increase economic income and increase the community's insight into becoming more open to the economy of the community, as well as the newly formed community. The efforts of fostering and empowering have been carried out by the government and the local community through business dissemination, small and medium industry counseling, strengthening community participation in training, and providing community training, namely how to build a robust community, management training, and marketing system training


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    Desa Kenongorejo berlokasi di Kecamatan Pilangkenceng, Kabupaten Madiun. Berdasarkan observasi awal, diketahui bahwa penopang ekonomi keluarga utama adalah kepala keluarga (bapak). Ibu rumah tangga memiliki banyak waktu luang yang belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Hal lain yang ditemukan adalah minimnya masyarakat tentang hidroponik untuk memanfaatkan lahan sempit sehingga bernilai produktif. Pengabdian masyarakat yang diusung yaitu pelatihan hidroponik sayuran. Subyek utama dalam pelatihan hidroponik yaitu ibu-ibu Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT). Kegiatan pelatihan bertujuan meningkatkan wawasan mengenai hidroponik. Target luaran kegiatan ini yaitu meningkatkan wawasan dan skills ibu-ibu KWT dalam memanfaatkan waktu luang maupun pekarangan dengan mengelola dan mengoptimalkan hidroponik sebagai upaya mewujudkan kemandirian ekonomi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei dan demonstrasi. Pelaksanaan dilakukan secara langsung di balai Desa Kenongorejo dan dua rumah warga lainnya dengan mendatangkan perwakilan ibu-ibu KWT dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Hal ini intuk menanggulangi kerumunan masa di saat pandemi. Kegiatan berlangsung selama satu bulan penuh lengkap dengan pendampingan hingga panen

    Gaya Hidup Hedonis Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Finansial Mahasiswa Di Kota Madiun

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    This study aims to determine the hedonic lifestyle of students in terms of financial intelligence. Hedonic lifestyles are the patterns of life of people who rely on pleasure. Financial intelligence is a person's ability to manage finances. It is assumed that student financial intelligence influences the hedonic style of students. This research is quantitative research. The research sample was all students in Madiun who were still actively studying. This study was tested with SPSS. 17 with simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are hedonic lifestyles not influenced by financial literacy. Conclusions can be drawn from this study, although student financial intelligence can be said to be good, but with regard to lifestyle, students tend to choose what they enjoy for their lives


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    His study aims to determine the relationship between the amount of pocket money and hedonic lifestyle in the city of Madiun. The sampling technique uses probability sampling. The number of samples in this study were 355 students. Research is a quantitative research developed with causality design where data analysis techniques use simple regression analysis. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between the amount of pocket money and the hedonic lifestyle of students taking study at Madiun City College.   Keyword: Hedonic Lifestyle, Pocket Mone

    The Effect of Corporate Governance, Political Connection, and Executive Power on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance

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    CSR is a form of sustainability activity that must be a concern for the company because it poses a risk to existence. This study aims to determine the effect of governance, political connections, and executive power on CSR performance. The research uses a quantitative approach with a positivism paradigm. The research population is all issuers of the manufacturing sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2017-2021 period. The research sample was 89 companies with 445 observations. Data were analyzed using multiple regression. The results show that corporate governance has a positive effect on CSR performance, whereas executive power has a negative effect on CSR performance. The political connection does not affect CSR performance. This research confirms stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, and agency theory. The study results are also useful for investors/creditors in making investment decisions in companies, and top management can adopt CSR strategies that affect sustainability. This study uses a more comprehensive measurement variable